Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Post Your Daily Answers Here

use the Comments section to give me your solution to the daily Advent activities. i'm using this so my message board onsite does not explode...and as i don't have a "private" messaging system to use as i do on other sites. 

i'm trusting you guys not to copy off each others' papers...besides, how do you know THEY have the right answer, lol?


AllieMe said...

Advent means coming. It is the time of waiting for the coming of the Lord.

CanaansChild said...

welcome aboard!

Prissy2shoes said...

Latin adventus means the coming of the Son of God. But it has two meanings: his coming in flesh - the Incarnation - and his glorious coming - Parousia.

The apparent tension between the two meanings of advent was later resolved in that advent definitively referred to "a moment of preparation for the coming".

Unknown said...

Well I guess I got here late. Allie's answer was the one I found. Great question though because I'd never heard of Advent before pet sites lol. Can't wait for December to kick this off!

CanaansChild said...

interesting - the one i heard as a child (many, MANY years ago, lol) was that it represents the journey of the Wise Men to Bethlehem follwing the star. each day we would move the Magi figures from our manger scene a little bit closer to the manger until on Christmas eve they had reached the cradle.

AllieMe said...

1 night

Unknown said...

Allie! You keep beating me lol! I forgot about this til just now. I shall return tomorrow and try and sneak on here before you! *puts on ninja outfit* Be prepared ;)

Forbiddensong said...

I got one night as well, since I don't see some sort of word trick.. though sometimes they're right in front of my face and I can't see 'em. xD

AllieMe said...

Only because it was a weekend night. During the week I will get busy and forget to check this.

Unknown said...

Um 35? I know that's gotta be wrong. I just woke up lol

Aw Allie I was looking forward to the challenge

AllieMe said...

76 Triangles.

Unknown said...

Dang I was way off huh? Ah well, maybe tomorrow :)

Unknown said...

1. Book binding - Red in one pic, Light green in the second
2. Letter on the floor has a stamp on pic #1, but not pic #2
3. Pic #1 Santa's eyes are closed, Pic #2 they are open
4. Star is brighter in Pic #2 than it is in Pic #1
5. The lines on the crack in the wall to the left of the tree are different in Pic #1 than in pic #2

Forbiddensong said...

December 2nd: I only counted 37 triangles. My brain hurts. I give up. xD


December 3rd:
(1) Line/crack in wall is longer in the right picture.
(2) Letter lying on the floor in the left picture has a red stamp.
(3) Santa's eyes are closed in the left.
(4) 6 stars in the left, 5 stars and a moon thing in the right.
(5) One of the book's bindings are different colors in the pics.
(6) There's a crack thing at the bottom of the pillarish thing in the left picture, but not in the right.

I didn't know if some of the lines being different thickness and a few pixels off in the red of the top left corner were counted as differences. Oh well.

Unknown said...

1. Bell
2. belT
3. Felt
4. feEt
5. Beet
6. beAt
7. beaR
8. Sear
9. sTar

Forbiddensong said...

December 4th:

1. Bell
2. Sell
3. Seal
4. Sear
5. Star

December 5th:
1) Put 8 on each side of the scale. If either side is lighter, than the smaller ornament has to be on that side. If both of them weigh the same, it has to be in the group of 9 that was not put on the scale.
2) Take whichever group the ornament is in and put 3 on each side of the scale. Whichever side is lighter has the lighter one. If neither side is lighter, then it's in the group of 3 (if it was in the group of 9) or 2 (if it was in the group of 8).
3) Put one on each side of the scale from the group that the lighter one is in. If it was taken from one of the groups of two, then one or the other will be heavier. If it was taken from a group of three, then either one or the other will weigh more, or they will weigh the same, in which case, the one not weighed would be the lightest.

Unknown said...


Yeah finally one i could do lol

Forbiddensong said...

I finally did the math for the triangle and it was 76... dang it. xD

I'm glad it was a word search. I was so bored. xD It made a nice pattern. o3o


Unknown said...

Sweet black licorice! :)

Unknown said...


I tried for hours to get the diagonals or Christmas theme, but just couldn't get it lol

Unknown said...

December 9th puzzle 1-8

4 1 3
6 8 5

Forbiddensong said...

December 7th:
Not a clue. xD

December 8th:

I don't even know what's up with "RENT".

December 9th:
Whuut... I guess I won't do this one. xD

December 10th:
I have no idea, but I really like 12 Days of Minecraft - Parody of 12 Days of Christmas by SGCBarbierian. Technically it's a Christmas song, right? xD